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Sunday, March 30, 2025

Cluttered Apartment? A Solution Awaits

Clutter somehow finds its way inside of our home before we realize what’s happening. It’s easy to accumulate a myriad of knick-knacks, kitchen utensils, clothing, and other items over the years. After all, who can pass up a great sale or miss out on boxing up all of those special photos and photos from the kids in kindergarten? The problem is, our homes do not grow as we continue adding more and more the rooms. Clutter can easily take over a home and create a messy, disorganized space.

Clutter wreaks havoc in or lives. It makes it difficult to find things that we need when we need them. Clutter even impacts our mood and the cleanliness of the home. If pests are something you’d like to keep out of the home, you want to maintain a clean, clutter-free space. If clutter is taking over your apartment, you are not alone. Many people struggle to maintain an apartment that is organized, clean and free of clutter, especially as years pass by living in the same home.

The good news is that decluttering the home and keeping things organized in the future is more than possible and doesn’t require a lot of hard work or effort. Once you’ve taken the steps to organize the home, you find more space to live in, and that makes everyone in the home more comfortable. Don’t worry if you aren’t exactly an organization pro. Everyone starts somewhere.

I Can’t Part With That

No matter what, there are items that we simply refuse to part with. Some items hold sentimental value and take us back to that special place and moment in time that we hold close to our hearts and minds. Heirlooms, kids art, photographs, musical instruments, and many other items all fall into such a category. While the items clutter the home, especially when you reside in a small apartment, parting with them simply isn’t an option. There are many ways to declutter the home without parting with the most cherished items. Put your creativity to work when choosing a place or method of storage for the most prized possessions in your life and finding a great solution isn’t so hard.

Some of the storage ideas for items that you cannot part with include:

  • Self-storage offers space to keep belongings that you want to keep but do not use on a daily or a regular basis. Rented on a monthly basis, Littleton self-storage is affordable and eliminates clutter from the home while providing a space to store your belongings.
  • Store your items in the garage. A well-organized garage safeguards your most valuable items, keeping them within a stone’s throw if you need them for any reason.
  • For many people, disorganization is caused simply by not putting items back in their proper space when finished with them or not assigning items a proper home. As you declutter, ensure that everything goes back to the right spot. If there simply isn’t an appropriate place to store the item, ask yourself if it is really that important to hang onto.

Give It Away, Give It Away Now

No, we’re not singing a Red Hot Chili Pepper’s song chorus, although you still should give it away! Once you sort through closets, toy boxes, and kitchen drawers to remove things that you don’t want, pile it all in bags, boxes, or totes and give it away. Friends and family should be the first on the list of people who can pick out things they want. Donate leftover items to thrift stores and charitable organizations if the goods are still usable items. Things that are damaged, broken or no longer work should be tossed into the garbage. There really is no reason to hold onto items that aren’t in usable condition. They simply take up space and cause clutter inside your home. Consider electronic recycling for electronics that are no longer used to help prevent landfill collections. It is one small way to do your part to keep the world safe.

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